Saturday, 15 June 2013


Today is Saturdays.... because its holiday time I and a few friends (auni,akhie joe.fazzmal and ecah) plan to hang out together... the first place that we are going is.....ARSENAL.i think it might be beautiful moment for those who are fan with it....but for me.....its just normal.....and the place I think not so interested. I would like to say that Chelsea more better and happening....obviously. because I love,here.. I would like to share some of the picture we taken from there.

then. after we were finished our visit to ARsenal....we went to Portobello market... I love this market....because they are selling the chocolate with the cheap price.. For me who are obsessed with chocolate of course I take this opportunity to buy a lot of chocolate......hhaahhahaha...
then.let me tell a little bit story.why this are so attracting and why its named with portobello....

Portobello Road Market in Notting Hill (located on Portobello Road itself) is unique, vibrant and the hub of Notting Hill's community and its close neighbouring districts. The market's distinctive feel owes something, not only to the buildings and street-scape but also to the shops lining the road-side and of course the wide variety of communities and individuals who choose to frequent the area. All of these elements combine to give Portobello Market (sometimes called Notting Hill Market) the international reputation it deserves, which in turn adds to its overwhelming commercial success today.
Portobello Road Market is divided into three main sections which enables the market to have a broad appeal to a wide ranging group of people.
- The first part, best described if you are entering from the south side i.e. Notting Hill Gate will introduce you to a magical world full of antiques and collectable items. Here, it is possible to stumble upona huge number of treasures from days gone by. To name but a few, you can find stalls that are specilized in jewellery, furniture and first edition books. 
- After this first section of the market comes to an end you might fancy a little something to nibble on in preparation for the third and last part of Portobello market. Specializing in food you’ll be able to find some amazing local food, as well as global classics such as Paella, Churros, Crepes, Sandwiches, Falafel and lots more prepared and un-prepared food products.
- Last but by no means least is the third section of Notting Hill market where anybody that has a great sense of style and a passion for fashion will surely love. The stalls are packed full of new trendy and innovative designs as well as second hand clothing and accessories making it possible to create the ultimate outfit during one single shopping spree.

Notting Hill is located on the North West side of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens and is easily reachable by tube. The best tube stations to travel to are Notting Hill Gate on Central Line, District Line and Circle Line or Ladbroke Grove on Hammersmith & City Line, these are located at the top and bottom sides of the market which make these stations most suitable when visiting the Notting Hill market.

just share the information.......ohohohohoh.....enjoy then.....

Monday, 10 June 2013


What a wonderful day....... Today I am doing my replacement fasting...
its very a bit challenging moment I think because almost 19 hours I need to stand and patient to count the time I can eat...

Until I finished my group presentation I just back to home, didn't go anywhere....fortunately, just take a short time... Then until 4 o'clock after prayed I got to sleep and I'm just realized when I think its already the time that I need to eat at 7 O'clock........ After I woke up, then suddenly I remembered that I'm still at London, which the maghrib time at 9:20pm today.......ahahhahaha... What a funny moment I think today...... AND now..... I still need to be patient count the time..

Its QUITE good I think to try fasting during a normal day, a bit challenging when we can see people around us having their lunch and meal and we can't. Then, I think its still the same situation when we will facing our Ramadhan next month and we need to fast at the other country which is not Muslim country.. But I think all of it will be my awesome moment and at least I will get the experience and lesson in my life about how we will through it.because here I'm not alone......

Saturday, 8 June 2013


Hm.....I don't want everything will be fade or I will lose my memorize about what I already through, I think it is the right time to recall what I have been through and what I have been discovered about my experienced and my journey along the time me at London. So, for now,maybe I will shared a little bit picture and story along the journey. I don't know where should I start first..but don't worry,  I will make sure that every single moment I will put it my second diary....

We went to chelsea around 10 people..which we change the tube at Fulham and make our way from there to this place......look at this!!! awesome....... i buy a lot of souveniers..(for my self of course) hohohoho, just kidding., my friends also.....uhuhuhu
chelsea stadium
all about blue.....i love it.....i'm so impress with it
happening kids.hohoohho

So........its all about blue.....I may not interest in football sport,but when it comes to blue and all I can see around the places is blue... I am started crazzyyyyyy...yuhhhhooooooo

Friday, 7 June 2013

Stay Club, Camden Town

because i need to do my live journal, so i need to rewrite it here again,even i already have the soft copy.

1st June 2013

What a sadness day!! Today we already moved to Stay Club, Camden Town. I felt so sad to leave my first home at London which is Furzedown Student Village, Tooting. But what can me and the other friends can do. We already spoke to Mr.TB about this, but he said we need to moved because the Furzedown cost to staying there is so expensive and all of of us just accept it with an heavy heart.

 Now, i got my roommate, we are given one room with two person, so I choosed to sat with Aishah,my close friend; Its so difficult time to moved our stuff from bus stand to room. So, with a greatful heart its going easy with a hand from boy student.

First I entered the room I felt so amazing because we got kitchen in our room, and the bed also so big. Everything is perfect. We got the equipment to cooked, since me myself and Aishah love to cooked, we will use this opportunity as much as can to cook everything we want he,he,he. We got a double decker bed, so I choosed to slept at the above and Aishah at the bottom.

 Everything about room and the equipment is perfect EXCEPT the environment. Since the Stay Club located at the centre of the town the environment to me is so noisy. Even when have someone walk at the road also we can still heard the sound. I felt so uncomfortable because around of this place have many entertainment place, we need to accept it. But its still noisy to me. Maybe its just 1st day, the next day maybe I myself can ordinary with it.

Here, I put my room picture also;

Saturday, 25 May 2013

furzedown hall,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
hi there,
now its alraedy two weeks i'
m at london. erm.......London??? london is a beautiful place, there a lot of friendly people around us, who are very kind to help and teach us anything that we need to know. Basically, in a daily life, about oyster card,tube,bus,as a map, and everything...just said it. But there is something that i hidden it from my family..something that they will worries it most. Something about safety. hm its ok....just let it go...its not that terrible to heard.
I think that i am not a good friend at all.......i am not a good sister as well...and i am not a good senior to my we go to london with 1 mission 1 vision and I really wish that I can fulfill it very well. I really want to be as a idol to my other siblings and to my fellow friends.
yana rase.......semua orang tak suka dengan yana dekat sini.....then, yana putuskan yana tak berhak untuk bersuara dalam apa jua keadaan pown, this is my choice....... this article will remind me to behave myself.
Actually,yana sebenarnye tertinggal diari yana dekat rumah....aowh.......i really wish that nobody will found it....its my mistake to leave it there..
Banyak sangat yang yana nak citer kat sini.macam mane yana leh sesat, macam maner yana leh survive,macam mane yana leh cube bertahan dengan semua menda........yana rasa sensorang sangat dekat sini.even kami datang dengan satu kumpulan seramai 130 orang....tapi yana tak dapat rasai kehadiran diorang.atau hanya yana yang hidup dalam dunia yana sendiri???? itu lah yang jadi teka teki bagi yana sekarang......takpe yana masa akan cepat berlalu.sampai kau akan lupa diri tok memikirkan semua menda nih.sabar yana..... Allah ade untuk hamba-hambanya, Dia sentiasa ada sama ada kita senang atau susah.kita ingat atau lupa Dia.....Sesungguhnya Dia maha mengetahui maha penyayang......

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


ape  nih....
ape yg dh jd sbenanye nih.....idup nih pelik percaturannyekan......
kdg2 kte dh aim mende tuh seme jd ok.alih2 k.o jdnyer....
hubungan yg xdpt restu dr kuarga..agk2 berjalan ngn baik xyek?
mane patot kite pilih....nak idup bahagia ngan orang yang kite sayang ke nak dapat sebuah family yg happy yek? ape patot aku wat sekarang nih.......betol2 sakit otak jadinyer.....
sebenanyer malas nak menaip nih....saje je nak edit blog......hohohoho

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Doa Pendekat Jodoh

Doa Pendekat Jodoh

Doa Pendekat Jodoh

Bismillahir Rohmaanir Rohim & Assalamualaikum buat sahabatku.
Allah..sungguh benar telah masuk hari jumaat segala hari bagi sekalian alam. Sesaat melayari muka buku dan membaca jejak sahabat tentang posting bulan februari mengingatkan Suri akan satu janji. Uh.. tidak pula janji untuk bersuka -ria tapi janji pada yang tiada atau masih belum ketemu jodoh lagi.
Acapkali mendapat walimatulurus hati bagai di carik tidak kacakkah aku hee..rupa cantik sedia ada apa lagilah yang kurang agaknya ya. Masihkah kawan-kawan ingat akan posting Suri bertajuk “Suri Carikan Saya Jodoh” syukur Alhamdulillah ada beberapa pasangan sedang meniti ke alam itu. Maksud Suri bersiap-sedia untuk berumahtangga dan menjadi isteri ataupun suami yang soleh lagi soleha. Amin.
doa jodohSepanjang perjalanan medan muka buku yang penuh dengan lautan kisah manusia sempat juga Suri muat turun potongan ayat dari seorang sahabat Akhi Abdul Kadir melalui facebooknya. Ayuh kita baca doa tersebut seperti di bawah. Berharap dengan doa ini paling tidak pun kita di kira berusaha dan berikhtar.
Bacalah selepas selesai solat fardhu dan cuba amalkan juga pada waktu-waktu yang mustajab berdoa.
Suri petik kata-kata ini buat sahabat yang Suri kasihi…
Daripada Abu Umamah al-bahilir.a., Rasulullah s.a.w ditanya oleh seseorang: “Apakah doa yang lebih didengar (lebih maqbul dan mutajab)?” Baginda bersabda: ” Waktu terakhir pada hujung malam dan sesudah solat-solat fardhu.” (Riwayat al-Tarmizi)
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